Monday, August 31, 2015

XLII - WELCOME TO ABIDJAN! - What is Coupe Decale?

東京在住ベースミュージックアーティストXLII(シリー)によるコート・ジボワール「クープ・デカレ」ビデオミックス公開!ロンドンのキーレーベルCivil Music, Ninja Tune等からのリリース、日本ではCHEHON、SHINGO☆西成、DJ KENTAROとのコラボやリミックスで世界を股にかけて活動中のXLII。現在DJ SARASAとのユニットXXX$$$(エクセス)のトロピカル暴動サウンド爆発のライブにも注目が集まっており、2015 ULTRA JAPANのメインステージではその本領発揮が期待される。

XLII - WELCOME TO ABIDJAN! (クープ・デカレのビデオミックス)
ウェルカム・トゥ・アビジャン! 西アフリカ最大のフランス語圏であり、コートジボワール最大都市、アフリカのパリとも呼ばれるこのアビジャンは、今回のミックスのテーマ「クープ・デカレ」シーンの中心地でもあります。
※注意:プレイリストに含まれるアーティストは全てアビジャン、もしくはコートジボワール出身というわけではありません。ただ、「クープ・デカル」ムーヴメントにおいて、アビジャンは中心的かつ欠かすことのできない都市です。 また、このミックスが「クープ・デカル」の全体像を正確に反映するものではありません。

Teddy Benzo feat. Bana C4 - Moto
Toofan feat. DJ Arafat - APERO
Ariel Sheney - Bramo CFA
DJ Arafat - Gbobolor
Max Hero - Cloturer
Kollins feat. Toofan - Crazy People
DJ Kedjevara feat. Bana C4 - Alolo Alolo
Penalty DJ - General Danse
DJ Arafat - C’est Moi
DJ Leo - Profitons De La Vie
Zepekegno - Fukuchima
Sandia Chouchou & Annick Choco - Koumoucoura acte 2
Akabyla Scofield - Koueck Coukoueck
DJ Mulukuku & DJ Arsenal - Mugabe
Les Anges DJ - Un Coup Labas
DJ Gervinho - Foumalou
Cheick Yvan - Chocodi Chocoda
Debordo LeekunFa - Apperitif Yamakoudji
XLII is a Tokyo based producer known for his bass heavy maximalism and exotic melodies with releases on Civil Music, Ninja Tune, Japan’s KSR and more. His duo XXX$$$ with DJ SARASA is one of the hottest live shows in Japan. They’re bringing their tropical riot workout to Japan’s ULTRA MUSIC FESTIVAL’s main stage this year.
XLII ­ WELCOME TO ABIDJAN (Coupe Decale Video Mix)
Welcome to Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire’s biggest city. It is the largest French speaking city in West Africa and is the heart of the Coupe Decale movement.
To call it a genre would be selling it short. It’s a sophisticated scene reaching from Parisian suburbs to West Africa and beyond, with a culture that is uniquely it’s own. Whilst inherently melodic, each track packs the punch of 10 ground up EDM albums and more vibes than early UK Garage raves and sounds like neither.
It’s electronic, but sounds live, it’s modern, but somehow traditional, it’s raw, but refined, it’s sung, but it’s rapped, or it’s rapped, until it’s sung and then commented on. And it never ever stops. In that way, as a “genre”, it’s frighteningly complete and fresh at the same time, but again to call it a genre just doesn’t do it justice.
A lot of songs come with tailored dance, which is then presented, taught and released in form of music videos, which you learn and turn up at a Coupe Decale rave like a badman bag of moves.
This mix HAD to be done in video, as doing it in audio would’ve been to dismiss half of the culture and beauty that makes Coupe Decale the most addictive musical and visual treat in years. The frantic dance offs, impeccable fashion, positivity and sheer energy fills up the soulless void of your iPod’s Ableton junk. Even if you never dance, you will by the end of this video, at least some part of you. And if not, check your pulse, you might be dead.
*Disclaimer: not all artists in this playlist are from Abidjan or Cote D’Ivoire, but Abidjan played a pivotal role in the development of the Coupe Decale culture, and as such this is an accurate representation of the scope of the scene 

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